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- 24-Hour Shop Turnaround -

Launching A Business During The Weirdest Year Ever

Launching A Business During The Weirdest Year Ever

After Mr. Knifey came up with the idea for this business we plotted, planned, dreamed, talked and decided to go for it. And then a global pandemic hit. Now, most people would have put their plans on hold at that point, but we are not most people. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on who you ask), once we have an idea we believe in, we're all in. 

There have been many unexpected delays related to Covid, and a general learning curve, but as the year comes to an end we are incredibly close and excited to go live and serve our customers. The simplified description of our business is professional knife sharpening. Easy enough, right? However, what sets us apart is our desire to be so much more than that. Although we will provide local service in our town, the perk of our business model is that we take care of everything without you having to leave your home.

  • You order a kit for the number of items you want sharpened
  • We send our custom packaging with loaner knives (so you're never empty handed) 
  • You load your knives up and put them back in the mail box for pickup.
  • We sharpen, return and give you the option to buy the loaners at a discounted rate
In pandemic times, with people cooking at home more than ever, we feel the time is right. So sit back, dream of sliced, not smushed, tomatoes and let us do the work.

Until next time,

Knifey Wifey

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