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Why Is It Better to Buy a Knife With a Full Tang?

Why Is It Better to Buy a Knife With a Full Tang?

If you're looking to buy a great knife for your kitchen you want to make sure you're choosing the best one for your needs. Typically, that will include a blade that has a full tang. Why? Because it means better durability and strength, so you can slice and dice like a pro. Here's what a full tang means, and why it can be an important part of choosing your next knife.

When you have a full tang knife it means you have one with a blade that extends all the way into the handle. Some knives only have blade material that goes partway into the handle, and they aren't as solid or durable as a full tang knife. More blade material means a heftier composition and a better mesh with the handle itself. The knife will generally last much longer, and it's far less likely to come apart or otherwise experience damage that could stop you from using it.

Full tang knives are great for anything that requires a lot of pressure. Weaker knives can snap if there's a lot of pressure placed on them, but full tang knives won't do that. They're often used for camping and hunting due to their strength, but they're absolutely a great choice for your kitchen needs, too. With the handle and blade working together instead of separately, you can get more quality and value from the knife you choose.

Buying a knife set that lasts a lifetime is possible, and it's much easier to do when you choose a full tang knife set as opposed to a lower quality one that's less expensive. Investing in full tang knives is the right way to use and enjoy them for many years to come.

If you are looking for effortless and dependable professional knife sharpening that never leaves you empty-handed or if you have full tang knives that need our TLC, contact us today!

Until next time,

Knifey Wifey

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